Tuesday, November 18, 2008

More about Me

Well on Monday I went for X-rays of my chest and what I thought was also going to be an x-ray of my liver (was not sure how that was possible, but hey I was told x-rays), turned out to be a scan of all my organs. It was painless but a lengthy process, it took over an hour for everything. But praise God all was clear no cancer there.
Yesterday I went for a bone scan, which I might add is not too great. I arrived there at 09:30 to be told at first that I do not have sufficient funds in my medical aid, so I will need to pay them myself, but not to worry i don't have to pay immediately they will send me a bill. I asked them how much and well (I hope you are sitting down) the cost is R4000.
In any case I went in and they injected some fluid into my veins and I could leave and had to back within 2 hours. Ed and I went to N1 City to browse in a few shops, then our son forgot his lunch at home, so we took him his lunch at breaktime, then back for the scan.
I presume it is something like a Brain scan, but they put you on the bed and this machine comes down over your face, I started feeling a bit anxious. It was also a lengthy process, but only about 1/2 hour though.
They did not give me my results but told me that everything was fine. They were going to fax the results to my doc for my appointment today.

Well, last night I went onto the sight of the medical aid, after Ed had called them and they said that the scan must come out of day to day. On their site it states that any scans or tests relating to cancer will be paid from the oncology limit and not from the day to day, so I called them.. I was told that once I register with them, they would then pay for this as this all part of the planning process. Praise God.... I was visualising selling my house to pay for my bills. HAHA

I was feeling a bit emotional yesterday, but am feeling a bit better this morning, until......
Well Ed is busying helping someone with a room cupboard and put a piece of wood into his car and forced the boot closed, well all we heard was crack. He shattered his front windscreen. What a nightmare. But this will be fixed today thankfully.

Through all these trials and tribulations, God is carrying us and we are staying focused on His promises and reassurances that He has given us.

We, Ed and I, are meeting with the surgeon later to discuss the treatment process and where to from here. Hopefully surgery can happen ASAP so that this is not drawn out any longer than it has been. This has been the most difficult 2 weeks for us all (shame even my kids are feeling it).

I must just mention we told Gareth yesterday and he was ok, a bit shocked at first but ok. I also told him about the possiblity of Chemo and that chances are that I will loose my hair, his reply to that was: "Please tell me you will at least wear a wig, you won't look good bald." Shame he is just too cute.

Brandon has been ok as well, just sending me little letters all the time telling me how much he loves me etc. Shame he is a little darling.

Well all, I will post an update later to fill you all in on the process forward.

May God be with each one who reads this is bless them abundantly.


1 comment:

Rose Krugess said...

Hey there Lin, Ed and boys
You are constantly in our thoughts - just wish we lived closer to you so that we could come visit. Still hoping that perhaps youre up to a visit in Dec - but otherwise we must make a plan to come see you guys.
We love you Lin - in God we trust. Big hugs and kisses. xxx