Tuesday, November 25, 2008



Me again, well this last week has been pretty difficult for me. On Wednesday we went back to the surgeon and he confirmed that the cancer has not spread anywhere else. Our prayers had been answered! The bad news is that because of my age and that the 2 lumps are right next to each other and because there is calcification as well, it is advisable to do a mastectomy. Well I was absolutely shattered to say the least. I just burst into tears, shame poor doc had to wait for me to calm down, he was really great throughout this. Well he led us through the process and said that we have the option of either immediate reconstruction or reconstruction at a later stage, but this I had to discuss with the plastic surgeon.
Lets just say Wednesday was not a good day to be in the Byron household. I must actually be honest with you, i can not remember much of last week. Just that it was long. I had to wait for an appointment with the plastic surgeon before any dates could be confirmed or anything like that. Initially the appointment was for Wed 26 Nov but on Friday I got a call to say that he can see me at 8 yesterday Monday 24 Nov. God is really looking out for us as the waiting is "killing me". He was very positive and reasurred me that the reconstruction will be great and they will lift the other one, to look just like the reconstructed one. So one positive note there.
Later yesterday I saw the Oncologist as well. Well, she confirmed what the other docs have been saying, namely mastectomy is not avoidable. We prayed about the appointment and decided her opinion on having a second opinion, and well, that was our second opinion. She has more experience than any of these doctors in this field.
Now it is the waiting for the op. I am seeing the surgeon again tomorrow hopefully to get some clarity on the date.
Well, the oncology rooms also have counsellors who I can see as well as my family including the children, which I may just consider going to see. When I was offered to see one yesterday, I actually felt ok, but last night, I felt terrible Ed asked how I was and I just burst into tears. I could not tell him why I was down, it was just because. God is so good, at the moment, Rose phoned and i chatted to her and felt better afterwards. Shame Ed was on his way to a Touchies match, so i did not want to upset him too much. Shame he really is so sweet.
The emotions are up and down. I think what is difficult to accept is that we no longer can go away on holiday, as Chemo is due to begin 3 weeks after the op, so it makes it pretty difficult. I really would have loved to get away for a few days.

I will give another update tomorrow after the appointment with the surgeon.

Please continue to keep us in your prayers, God is really carrying us through this tough time.
Thank you for your prayers and thoughts, it is so nice to be so loved.

God Bless you all

1 comment:

Rose Krugess said...

You are constantly in our thoughts Lin. Love you lots - keep us posted x